The sweet (and sour) side of Swedish candy

Magnus Nilsson’s new book boasts some great confectionary recipes and reveals a forgotten candy scandal

From top: Leila’s Rocky Road; Peppermint and Chocolate Pastilles; Chocolate Cookie Crumb Rolls Flavoured with Punsch; Chocolate Oatmeal Balls. As featured in Magnus Nilsson's The Nordic Baking Book.

Michael Putnam makes a GREAT Frida Kahlo!

The co-founder of New York’s greatest floral design studio is pretty hot when it comes to fancy dress too

Michael Putnam (centre) and friends. Image courtesy of Putnam & Putnam's Instagram

Seriously, what’s so special about the wine at Contra?

Quite a lot! Here’s how friendship, open-mindedness and all natural ingredients make for such a good pairing

Fabián von Hauske and Jorge Riera check out a vineyard (nice work if you can get it)

Was Verner Panton the Bond villain's favourite designer?

From the late 1960s to the early 21st century Bond baddies have enjoyed the designs of the sensual Scandinavian

Olafur Eliasson on social media, Experience and his next show

The author, activist and artist has an idea that smart phones might not be so bad for his next Tate show after all

Olafur Eliasson holding a signed copy of his new book Experience. Head into the store now to buy one

'Sweet bread mingling with the scent of volcanic activity'- Magnus Nilsson on Icelandic traditional baking techniques

The Nordic Baking Book author definitely knows a natural steam oven from a hole in the ground!

Thermally active area, south of Lake Mývatn, Iceland, May 2013; the site is considered a communal area and each family in the neighbouring village has their own hole in the ground in which they bake Icelandic Rye Bread. Photography by Magnus Nilsson

Brae and Faviken are two of WSJ’s Five Restaurants Genuinely Worth Traveling For

Magnus Nilsson and Dan Hunter’s bucolic ventures are both on a small, but perfectly formed, list

Fäviken Magasinet, Sweden, and Brae, Australia

'Bitter, almost spicy'- Magnus Nilsson on the surprising, evergreen element in Nordic bread

Axes at the ready! One recipe in The Nordic Baking Book requires both culinary and arboreal skills

Magnus Nilsson

Swearing, shopping, Tracey Emin and Sarah Lucas

It may have only lasted six months, but Sarah Lucas’s ‘90’s retail venture still resonates, a quarter century later

Sarah Lucas and Tracey Emin at The Shop in 1993

Seriously, Contra began as an ice cream shop?

Here’s how a sweet, icey way to keep one chef in NYC developed into one of the city’s best restaurants

From left: Fabián von Hauske and Jeremiah Stone. Image courtesy of Contra

Five great Picasso works in great destinations

On the artist’s birthday, we pick out some of Pablo's finest pieces, courtesy of our new book Destination Art

War and Peace (1952-54) Musée National Picasso La Guerre et la Paix, Vallauris, France. All works by Pablo Picasso

'Naps with eating' - Magnus Nilsson on Nordic snack breaks

Coffee and snack breaks are known as 'fika' the Nordic Baking Book author says - and they're great for productivity

Sweet pastries, as photographed by Magnus Nilsson, for The Nordic Baking Book

Raf Simons on why Warhol is a perfect fit for Calvin Klein

Raf says Warhol’s portraits prove he was truly democratic (but he does love the Death and Disaster series too)

An Andy Warhol self-portrait printed on a crew-neck shirt by Calvin Klein Jeans. Image courtesy of Calvin Klein's Instagram

Alejandro Aravena’s brutal beach house is for sale

Like to slip off your office gear and gaze into a fire at weekends? Got $1.5m? This place could be right for you

The Ocho Quebradas House by Elemental

Was Verner Panton the most avant-garde of Danish designers?

The 20th century design visionary took Scandi interiors for a walk on the wild side of industrial production

Verner Panton with his Spiegel sculpture (1965)

Sex, Death, Sigmund Freud and Sarah Lucas

Here’s how the controversial artist showed her risqué sculptures in Freud’s historic London house

The Pleasure Principle (2000) by Sarah Lucas at the Freud Museum, London, featuring Hysterical Attack (Eyes) (1999) (centre) and Priere de Toucher (2000) (photograph, far wall) both by Sarah Lucas.

The war that made Robert Capa

On the Magnum founder’s birthday, we look back at his most famous book, Death in the Making

Robert Capa, Death in the Making, published by Covici-Friede, New York, 1938. As featured in Magnum Photobook: The Catalogue Raisonné

How Annie Leibovitz caught Richard Nixon's final flight

Leibovitz recalls teaming up with Hunter S. Thompson to document Tricky Dicky’s dishonourable departure

Richard Nixon Leaving the White House, Washington, D.C., 1974. Photograph © Annie Leibovitz. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

'Exhausting, Exhilarating, Exasperating but Inspiring' - David Dawson at Sotheby's on sitting for Lucian Freud

Long time assistant and Freud Archive Director reveals what it was like to sit for the great painter

David Dawson (right) and Sotheby’s Michael Macaulay, SVP, Senior International Specialist, Contemporary Art All Photographs by Stephen Bondio

How Annie Leibovitz captured Emily Dickinson’s absence

This photograph of the poet’s pressed-flowers album serves as a tribute to not one, but two, writers

Emily Dickinson’s herbarium, Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2010. Photograph: © Annie Leibovitz. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

5 things we learned on the Brutal Bus tour

Prince Charles called the National Theatre a nuclear power station, The Royal College of Physicians is based on the human body and only 50 people lived in the Barbican when the Barbican was built (none of them architects!)

The Barbican as featured in Atlas of Brutalist Architecture

How to do a wedding Putnam & Putnam style

The only thing that’s monochrome is the dynamic duo's workwear, as you can tell from these stunning displays

Putnam & Putnam's recent wedding production in the Hamptons. Image courtesy of their Instagram

'A walking Gallup poll' - the social side of Andy Warhol’s incredible creativity according to Arnold Lehman of Phillips

Warhol may have borrowed some ideas from others but that doesn't mean his work wasn't 100 per cent Andy

Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait with Skull, early 1978, acrylic and silkscreen ink on linen, 16 x 13 inches, 40.6 x 33 cm. Picture credit: The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh; Founding Collection, Contribution The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts,  Inc., NY, Photo by Phillips/Schwab

Who’s top dog here?

Here’s how we buddied up with NYC’s best four-legged, furry influencers to launch our new book Feed Me

A very happy Cruz the Frenchie at our Feed Me launch, held earlier this week at Canine Styles, New York City

How Annie Leibovitz revealed Kendrick Lamar's inner visions

Having shot Jagger and Lennon, Annie is capturing the musical voice of a new generation for Vanity Fair

Kendrick Lamar, The Bronx, New York, 2018. © Annie Leibovitz. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

What are all these people trying to get a photograph of?

Could this paw-parazzi shot have anything to do with our Feed Me and Pet-tecture launch this morning?

The paw-parazzi out in force at our Pet-tecture and Feed Me launch this morning

On National Pasta Day, why not try this Middle Eastern take?

These grain-sized pasta shapes are popular across the Middle East, and go great with kale and feta

Quick orzo with kale and sumac from The Mezze Cookbook

'To me there’s no argument' – the Whitney’s Donna De Salvo says Andy’s 70s paintings are unquestionably great

The curator of the forthcoming Warhol retrospective says that was the era when Warhol truly engaged with painting

Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait, early 1978, acrylic and silkscreen ink on linen, 40 x 40 inches, 101.6 x 101.6 cm. The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh; Founding Collection, Contribution The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., NY Photo by Phillips/Schwab

Cool Designs for Cultured Kids – The Eames Elephant

This pint-sized pachyderm was created for Charles and Ray’s offspring but is now available to all cultured kids

Eames Elephant by Charles and Ray Eames. As featured in Design for Children

'Campbell’s Soup Cans is the real model for the portraits' - Andy Warhol biographer Blake Gopnik on Andy's '70s portraits

'The collapse of the portraits into a single series is Warholian – things in series without individual characteristics'

Andy Warhol, Ashraf Pahlavi, early 1978, acrylic and silkscreen ink on linen, 40 x 40 inches, 101.6 x 101.6 cm. Picture credit: Private Collection  © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., NY, Photo by Phillips/Schwab

How Annie Leibovitz showed her mother's honesty

She’s shot everyone from the Queen to Kanye, but she says this picture of her mother is probably her favourite

Marilyn Leibovitz, Clifton Point, New York, 1997. Photograph © Annie Leibovitz. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

Did you spot Mark Bradford at the Royal Wedding?

Some work by the artist made a sneak appearance at Princess Eugenie's wedding ceremony a few days ago

“The galleries were scared to show them” Factory studio boss Vincent Fremont on Andy Warhol’s Sex Parts series

Here’s what happened when Andy finally expressed his sexual desires in the late 1970s

Andy Warhol, Torso (Male Buttocks), mid–late 1977, acrylic and silkscreen ink on linen, 50 x 40 inches, 127 x 101.6 cm. Picture credit: Mugrabi Collection © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., NY

Get to know Cape Cod Modernism in Massachusetts

This is what happened when Walter Gropius and co took the summer off and went to the beach

The Chapel of St. James the Fisherman in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, by Olav Hammarstrom. As featured in Mid-Century Modern Architecture Travel Guide: East Coast USA. All photographs by Darren Bradley

The hidden story in Olafur Eliasson’s new book

Here’s why the world-famous artist hopes Olafur Eliasson: Experience will help him reach a new audience

Olafur Eliasson

'He saw hammers and sickles when he went to Italy in the 70s' - Factory studio boss Vincent Fremont on Andy Warhol

How Andy's Skull series and Hammer and Sickle images were inspired by the extreme politics of 1970s Europe

Andy Warhol, Hammer and Sickle [Still Life], late 1976, acrylic and silkscreen ink on linen, 72 x 86 inches, 182.9 x 218.4 cm. MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., NY, Photo by Phillips/Schwab

How Annie Leibovitz saw Nicole Kidman's face light up

Turns out some people are truly photogenic as the legendary photographer explains in her new book

Nicole Kidman, Charleston, East Sussex, England, 1997. Photograph by © Annie Leibovitz. Shot for Vanity Fair. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

The Nordic Baking Book is a Bible for Bakers says WSJ.

Magnus Nilsson's new book 'captures the heart of baking culture across Scandinavia' the magazine says

Magnus Nilsson

Want to catch up with the Harvard Five? Go to New Canaan

The Connecticut village is an architectural gem, says our new Mid-Century Modern Architecture Travel Guide

The Glass House, New Canaan, Connecticut, by Philip Johnson, as featured in Mid-Century Modern Architecture Travel Guide: East Coast USA. All photographs by Darren Bradley

How Annie Leibovitz learned to dance with Mikhail Baryshnikov

Her photos of Baryshnikov’s company are a lesson in the beauty, and difficulty, in photographing dance

Mikhail Baryshnikov and Rob Besserer, Cumberland Island, Georgia, 1990. Photograph © Annie Leibovitz. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

Get to know Frank Lloyd Wright in Pleasantville

You’ll never see so much of Wright’s style in a single place than when you tour this small, New York state enclave

A house in the Usonia Historic District, Usonia Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570, photographed by Darren Bradley

Why Sharon Hayes came out as a dyke but lives as a lesbian

On National Coming Out Day, here’s how the artist helped wrench one term from the field of psychiatry

Sharon Hayes in The Lesbian, 1998

Mario Sorrenti talks Kate Moss and more in New York

Sorrenti tells former W and Barneys Creative Director Dennis Freedman about his love for Kate and conceptual art

Mario Sorrenti and Dennis Freedman discuss Mario's new book Kate in New York's SVA Theatre earlier this week

Get to know Doo-Wop architecture in Wildwood

The Jersey Shore resort is full of this kitsch take on modernism according to our mid-century East Coast guide

One of the Doo-Wop buildings, in Wildwood, NJ, as featured in Mid-Century Modern Architecture Travel Guide: East Coast USA. All photographs by Darren Bradley

Nan Goldin goes back to the dive bars in The Deuce

The photographer put in a cameo performance on the HBO show beside James Franco, critiquing her early work

James Franco and Nan Goldin in The Deuce. Photograph Paul Schiraldi / HBO

Highly unusual homes for highly unusual animals

Got a homeless horse or a hermit crab looking for a crib? Then pick the perfect place from our book Pet-tecture

Shelter for Hermit Crabs by Aki Inomata

A very funny man for A Very Serious Cookbook

Comedian Eric Wareheim opens up on why he loves the amazing food and wine at Contra and Wildair

Eric Wareheim. Image courtesy of Eric's Instagram

When Jannis Kounellis painted with horses

On the 85th anniversary of the artist's birth, we look back at the time Kounellis coaxed 12 horses into a gallery

Jannis Kounellis, Untitled (Cavalli), 1967, 12 horses, installation view at Galleria L’attico, Rome, 1969. Artwork © Jannis Kounellis

Cool Designs for Cultured Kids – Dada Marionettes

Children will love these colourful string puppets - parents will appreciate the marionettes' avant-garde origins

Marionettes for König Hirsch, 1918, by Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889–1943) IC Design

How Annie Leibovitz drew star power from the Rolling Stones

In Annie Leibovitz at Work, she explains how she picked up 'power by association' shooting their 1975 tour

The Rolling Stones, Philadelphia, 1975. Photograph © Annie Leibovitz. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

Putnam & Putnam choose the 'It Flowers' of 2018

New York’s hottest floral designers capture this year’s most coveted flowers in their new book, and post some online

Michael and Darroch Putnam

Stephen Shore's personal tribute to Andy Warhol

On Stephen Shore's birthday, we look back at his formative relationship with the pop art master

A young Stephen Shore with Andy Warhol at the Factory. From Factory: Andy Warhol

Massimo Bottura is the Pavarotti of Pasta, says 60 Minutes

The show traces his career from a first taste of tortellini under his grandma's table to becoming world’s best chef

Massimo Bottura on 60 Minutes

Here's a sneak peak of Massimo Bottura on 60 Minutes tonight!

Watch Channel 2 at 7pm tonight to see our Bread is Gold and Skinny Italian Chef author interviewed by Lesley Stahl

Massimo Bottura filming a 60 Minutes segment in the Mercato Storico Albinelli market in Modena, March 2018

What is Sharon Hayes trying to tell us?

Discover how this contemporary artist uses vintage protest to open up new possibilities

In The Near Future (detail), 2009, multiple slide projection, installation, 13 actions, 13 projections, 1053 slides.  Artwork © Sharon Hayes

Cool Designs for Cultured Kids – The Optischer Farbmischer

Get your pre-schoolers into Goethe and Schopenhauer with this deceptively simple-looking spinning top

Optischer Farbmischer, 1924, by Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack. As featured in Design for Children

How Annie Leibovitz let Patti Smith become herself

In Annie Leibovitz At Work, the photographer looks back at two key portraits of one remarkable singer

Patti Smith, New Orleans, 1978. Photograph © Annie Leibovitz. From Annie Leibovitz At Work

Astonishing Animals – The Panda

On World Animal Day we look at the panda's remarkable role in wildlife conservation

Untitled, 2015 by Ami Vitale. From Animal: Exploring the Zoological World

These doghouses will make your home look good too

No more ruff sleeping with these beautiful pieces of dog-focused design featured in our new book Pet-tecture

Cromo by FORMA Italia

How Annie Leibovitz got Keith Haring to go black and white

In Annie Leibovitz at Work the photographer reveals the fascinating story behind her photo of the great artist

Keith Haring, New York City, 1986. Photograph: © Annie Leibovitz. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

Brutalist buildings you can only see in our new book

The wrecking ball has levelled them but they live on forever in our new Atlas of Brutalist Architecture

Prentice Women’s Hospital, Chicago, USA, 1975 by Bertrand Goldberg Associates

Destination Art every kid will love!

Taking a trip with children? Then pick out somewhere from our great new travel guide to art around the world

Fusterlandia, 2000–Present, Havana, Cuba, by José Rodríguez Fuster

Cool Designs for Cultured Kids – Montessori Geometric Solids

This early 20th century developmental toy was one of the first design products created specifically for children

Geometric Solids, c. 1910 by Maria Montessori (1870–1952). From Design for Children

How does Annie Leibovitz do it?

On the photographer’s birthday, read the stories behind the images in her new book Annie Leibovitz At Work

The Rolling Stones, Philadelphia, 1975. Photograph © Annie Leibovitz. From ‘Annie Leibovitz At Work’

Sketch to Skyline - what Luis Barragán’s Las Arboledas development in Mexico looked like on day one

The Pritzker laureate brought nature, order and colour together in this Mexican residential development

How Steve McCurry captured the lives of coffee growers

On International Coffee Day take another look at the photos in From These Hands: A Journey Along The Coffee Trail

A woman prepares for a coffee ritual, Amaro region, Ethiopia, 2014. All photographs by Steve McCurry

These Brutalist buildings look a bit like Jenga blocks

There are plenty of structures in our new Atlas that look just a little bit like the popular wooden building block game

Petrobras Headquarters, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1973, by  Roberto Gandolfi and José Sanchotene

The perfect beer for Nordic Baking

After centuries apart, Evil Twin's Swedish Fika Biscotti Break brings Nordic brewing and baking together again

Poppels and Evil Twin Brewing's Swedish Fika Biscotti Break beer. Image courtesy of Evil Twin's Instagram

Elmgreen & Dragset have a tall tale to tell about this pool

Don't believe everything you see and read at their excellent new Whitechapel Gallery show

The Whitechapel Pool by Elmgreen & Dragset. Image courtesy of the artists' Instagram

Instagrammers campaigned to save these Brutalist buildings

...but they didn't always succeed. Luckily, you can still see the ones they couldn't save in Atlas of Brutalist Architecture

Atlanta Central Library, Atlanta, USA, 1980, by Marcel Breuer & Associates

Destination Art in the most beautiful settings

Come for the art but stay for the views around these important contemporary artworks from new book Destination Art

Foggy Wake in a Desert: An Ecosphere, 1976, National Gallery of Australia Sculpture Garden, Canberra, Australia, by Fujiko Nakaya

How bad cities can kill us (and better cities might cure us)

Cholera no longer infects our water supplies but other threats lurk in our cities - Shaping Cities has a way forward

Fans of Nintendo’s Pokémon Go, a location-based augmented reality game, cause a traffic jam at a PokéStop, a physical space where gameplay occurs.
Picture by Liau Chung Ren

Putnam & Putnam create an autumn display for Martha Stewart

New York City's greatest floral designers prove there's more to flowers than simple summer blooms

Putnam & Putnam's decorative mantel in this month's issue of Martha Stewart Living. Image courtesy of Putnam & Putnam's Instagram

Cool Designs for Cultured Kids – The Giulia Rocking Horse

Can you afford kids and a Maserati? Then try this stylish Italian toy featured in new book Design for Children

Giulia Rocking Horse, 2008 by Pininfarina Extra, as featured in Design for Children

These cat homes will make your home look good too

Get your beloved kitty a bit of furniture like this and you’ll soon be feline very house proud . . .

How better cities will save the world

By locking in good habits with infrastructure the mega cities of the future could help us avert ecological disaster

New York City, USA. Climate change exposes cities, especially coastal ones, to greater environmental risks and uncertainty. In 2012, Manhattan suffered a major blackout affecting 600,000 people after Hurricane Sandy struck New York City. This was due to defensive walls not being high enough to protect the 14th Street power station from the storm surge. Photo by Iwan Baan / Getty Images, from Shaping Cities in an Urban Age

These Brutalist War memorials have very brutal back stories

World War II hit the former Yugoslavia hard and it has many poignant concrete creations to commemorate it

Battle of Sutjeska Memorial, Sutjeska National Park, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1917 by Miodrag Živković, as reproduced in Atlas of Brutalist Architecture

Destination Art you can get to in your lunch break

Are you in a big city? Got an hour to spare? Then get out and see some art from our new book Destination Art

Shirazeh Houshiary and Pip Horne, East Window and Altar, 2011, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 4JJ, England. Photograph by Marc Gascoigne

Destination Art that looks like a LOT of fun!

Find art difficult sometimes? Don't fret. Take a look at these works in Destination Art and you'll soon by smiling

Super Lambanana, 1998, by Taro Chiezo, Liverpool, UK, as featured in Destination Art

Sketch to Skyline - what Louis Kahn’s Salk Institute in La Jolla, California looked like on day one

Did you know Kahn originally planned a garden in the middle of the site? Drawing Architecture takes up the story

Salk Institute, 1959, by Louis Kahn. Charcoal on paper. From Drawing Architecture

Cool Designs for Cultured Kids - Alexander Girard's dolls

Discover how Herman Miller's design director channelled his love of folk art and bright colours into these figures

Wooden Dolls, 1963 by Alexander Girard, as featured in Design for Children

Great Art in the Great Outdoors

Sometimes it pays to think outside the white-walled box as our new book Destination Art shows

Crouching Spider, 2003, by Louise Bourgeois, Château La Coste, France, as reproduced in Destination Art

The surprisingly bookish origins of German trifle

Discover a story of rich lives and tragic decline behind the sweet Lübeck-style trifle in The German Cookbook

Apple and Pumpernickel Trifle, a slightly lighter alternative to the heavier Lübeck-Style Trifle. From The German Cookbook

Cool Designs for Cultured Kids - The Radio Flyer Wagon

Here’s how an ambitious Italian-American created a cheap, safe wagon and earned himself the name ‘Little Ford’

Classic Red Wagon, 1940, by Radio Flyer, created by Antonio Pasin, as featured in Design for Children

"What is the size of ‘we’?" – Olafur Eliasson on public art, building bridges, and his Experience of togetherness

Eliasson understands the limits of civic engagement, but says he is trying to push the envelope nevertheless

Olafur Eliasson, photograph by Anders Sune Berg

Do you recognise these Brutalist buildings from the big screen?

From sci-fi to horror, indie drama to LA caper, movie makers love a Brutalist backdrop, as our new Atlas notes

Lecture Centre, Brunel University, London, UK, 1968, by Richard Sheppard. As featured in our new Atlas of Brutalist Architecture

Robert Venturi dies aged 93

The American architect, whose work helped define postmodernism, died on Tuesday in Philadelphia

Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, I am a Monument, 1972, ink on paper. Picture credit: Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania | Venturi, Scott Brown Collection. From Drawing Architecture ​

Lucian Freud Slices of Life - The Latter Years

The passing years didn’t dim Freud’s ambition - in fact his talent, along with his canvas sizes, grew as he aged

Lucian Freud, Benefits Supervisor Sleeping, 1995, oil on canvas, 151.3 × 219 cm, 59½ × 86¼ in. © The Lucian Freud Archive / Bridgeman Images; photography by John Riddy (volume 2, pages 176-177)

Lucian Freud Slices of Life - The Middle Years

A friendly intervention by the Palace helped Freud and his family escape peril - half a century later he repaid the debt

Lucian Freud, Wasteground with Houses, Paddington, 1970–2, oil on canvas, 167 × 101 cm, 65¾ × 39¾ in. © The Lucian Freud Archive / Bridgeman Images; photography by John Riddy (volume 1, page 285)

Lucian Freud Slices of Life - The Early Years

The artist mixed with rogues and royals in his early London life and kept in touch with both during his gambling days

Lucian Freud, Portrait of Kitty, 1948–9, oil on panel, 35 × 24 cm, 13¾ × 9½ in. © The Lucian Freud Archive / Bridgeman Images; photography by John Riddy (volume 1, page 166)

The surprisingly British origins of German currywurst

The street food was first cooked with a little help from Germany’s enemies as The German Cookbook explains

Currywurst, as featured in The German Cookbook

Cool Designs for Cultured Kids - The Frisbee

Discover how an amateur American designer took a cake tin and turned it into one of the world’s most popular toys

The Frisbee, as featured in Design for Children

These Brutalist buildings look like they shouldn't stay up

A smart choice of materials and techniques enables architects to dazzle as Atlas of Brutalist Architecture reveals

Grand Central Water Tower, Midrand, South Africa, 1996 by GAPP Architects & Urban Designers

Scholten & Baijings rework afternoon tea in London

The Dutch design duo has filled Fortnum & Mason with pale green products for their new tea installation

A Brutalist guide to Open House London

Londoners – here’s how to satisfy your craving for mid-century concrete this coming weekend

The Royal College of Physicians, Denys Lasdun & Partners, 1964. All images featured in Atlas of Brutalist Architecture

What is it with Sarah Lucas and eggs?

Volunteers just smashed 1,000 eggs at the artist’s request - our new book explains why she works with them

Sarah Lucas,

Astonishing Animals – The Male Diving Beetle

The microscopic intricacy of this insect’s foot belies a deeply sinister mating habit

A male diving beetle (Acilius sp.) front foot (2015), digital image created by laser scanning confocal
microscope by Igor Siwanowicz

The surprisingly political origins of German pickled herring

How Otto von Bismarck came to lend his name to one of Germany’s best-loved seafood dishes

Bismarck Herring, from the German Cookbook

Look who turned up at our Kate Moss book launch!

Kate stopped by to see photographer boyfriend Mario Sorrenti as we publish the photos that wowed Calvin Klein

Photographer Mario Sorrenti and Kate Moss at Matches, 5 Carlos Place

'Street dance is crucial' – Olafur Eliasson on Harlem Gun Crew, his teenage years and the Experience of space

Eliasson doesn’t hide his early breakdancing achievements; instead he incorporates them into his artistic career

Olafur Eliasson by Silja Magg