Ai Weiwei new video art shot on public bus in China
'How to Scientifically Remove A Shiny Screw With Chinese Characteristics From A Moving Vehicle In Eighteen Turns' follows the artist's attempts to remove a screw from a public bus as it passes by Beijing political hotspots
No stranger to the medium of film - even before his much-viewed parody of Psy's viral hit, Gangnam Style - Ai Weiwei has just released a new piece of video work titled, How to Scientifically Remove a Shiny Screw with Chinese Characteristics From A Moving Vehicle in Eighteen Turns. Rather more challenging to deconstruct than his Psy parody, the prevailing opinion is that it's a statement against socialism and the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It's an interesting film, starting off with a distorted view of streetlife through the window of a public bus as it moves through Beijing. On the journey it passes Tiananmen Square, scene of bloody riots in 1989. It then moves on to take in Ai's efforts to remove a screw from the window frame with what appears to be his housekeys. Watch it below and check out our monograph on this always challenging, always inspiring artist.