LJG Synagogue, Amsterdam, by SeARCH

Sacred Stories - LJG Synagogue

How the Dutch practice SeARCH created what's only the second synagogue in the Netherlands since WWII

Religious buildings are among the more traditional constructions in our built environment. Yet how do you design such a building, when no such tradition exists? That was one part of the architectural challenge presented to Amsterdam's SeaARCH practice, when it was charged with creating a new synagogue for the Netherlands' Liberal Jewish Community.

This 2010 synagogue was only the second built in the country since the Holocaust. 75 per cent of  Dutch Jews were killed during World War II, and even prior to the Nazi occupation, synagogues in this part of Europe were modest places, built to downplay any exterior signs of their internal purpose.

Yet, as we explain in our new book Sacred Spaces, “the Jewish community in the Netherlands is a self-confident one,” and so it was keen to display and celebrate its faith in this new building. The Liberal Jewish faith places only a few design stipulations on synagogue design, and this drove SeARCH to make a virtue of these basic themes, in a building that outwardly extols its faith.


 LJG Synagogue, Amsterdam, by SeARCH
LJG Synagogue, Amsterdam, by SeARCH

Most notable among these is the large window which has been cut into either side of this long, low building. It is shaped to resemble a menorah or chanukiah, the seven-branched lamp stand.

Alongside this, etched into the building's exterior the concrete cladding, is a Star of David pattern – Judaism's most recognisable symbol. Bricks salvaged from the group's old synagogue have been included in this new building 'as a means of connecting the current building with its predecessor', our book explains. 

In all, it is a stunningly modern embodiment of ancient symbols – an apt demonstration of the way in which the oldest Abrahamic religion has found new life in this once-troubled corner of the world.


 LJG Synagogue, Amsterdam, by SeARCH
LJG Synagogue, Amsterdam, by SeARCH

We hope you've enjoyed this sacred story, taken from our new book Sacred Spaces. You can read about how a German farmer's friends and faith helped inspired Peter Zumthor's Bruder Klaus Field Chapel here; how an Italian practice brought opposing religions together in this Sudanese Prayer and Meditation Pavilion; and you can order a copy of the book from the people who made it, here.

You might also be interested to know that thiis Synagogue also appears in the Phaidon Atlas, our peerless architectural resource. You can sign up here for a free trial here.