Domus Canus designed by Kitty McCoy of Kathrine McCoy Architecture, built by Walter Sterlieb of Studio 449, with former ARFan Trouble. Tria Giovan Photography

These Hamptons dog houses help NY’s rescue mutts

The Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons has some architectural homes perfectly suited to your best friend

We all dream of heading up to the Hamptons and picking out a beautifully designed second home. Next month that wish becomes a little more realistic, so long as that second home is for your dog or cat.  


Bow Wow Haus by Robert Young of Robert Young Architects, built by Fountainhead Construction, with former ARFan Tara.Tria Giovan Photography
Bow Wow Haus by Robert Young of Robert Young Architects, built by Fountainhead Construction, with former ARFan Tara.Tria Giovan Photography

Arfitecture is a new fun-raising drive created by 14-year-old local kid Luke Louchheim for the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons (ARF). Luke and ARF have persuaded 10 participants, including architects and construction firms, to build a series of beautifully designed dog and cat houses, which will be auctioned off for the benefit of the charity. 


Purrrch designed by Toby Sherrard and Eleanor Donnelly of Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architects, built by Artisan Construction Associates, with former ARFan Sammy. Tria Giovan Photography
Purrrch designed by Toby Sherrard and Eleanor Donnelly of Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architects, built by Artisan Construction Associates, with former ARFan Sammy. Tria Giovan Photography

These vary in style and execution from the unornamented Bow Wow Haus by Robert Young Architects (with a suitably Germanic occupant); the neoclassical Domus Canus designed by Kitty McCoy of Kathrine McCoy Architecture; and Purrrch designed by Toby Sherrard and Eleanor Donnelly of Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architect, a cat house that brings to mind the finest of Suo Fujimoto’s creations. 


Snoop E(nigma) designed by Bill Beeton of Beeton & Company, built by Landscape Details, with former ARFan Tink. Tria Giovan Photography
Snoop E(nigma) designed by Bill Beeton of Beeton & Company, built by Landscape Details, with former ARFan Tink. Tria Giovan Photography

All of these constructions will be auctioned on Saturday August 18, at the Bow Wow Meow Ball, at the Arf Adoption Center, 124 Daniels Hole Road, East Hampton, in an evening of fun and philanthropy co-presented by that big beast of the NY architecture scene, Peter Marino.  



You can find out more about the ball here; more about Peter's work here; and for more on beautifully appointed pet buildings you can look forward to our new book Pet-tecture.