Darroch and Mickey Putnam at the Chelsea Flower Show, London, May 2019. Image courtesy of Putnam & Putnam's Instagram

The Putnams hit the Chelsea Flower Show

Darroch and Michael take in Britain’s most prestigious horticultural show on their mini Euro tour

If the Royal Horticultural Society’s annual Chelsea Flower Show represents the established side of horticulture, Darroch and Mikey Putnam, the husband-and-husband duo behind Putnam & Putman, New York’s hottest floral designers, represent the newer face of this rapidly expanding world.


John Sandoe Books’ pop-up store at the Chelsea Flower Show. Image courtesy of the shop's Instagram
John Sandoe Books’ pop-up store at the Chelsea Flower Show. Image courtesy of the shop's Instagram

So, it was great to see the old meet the new at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show, yesterday. Darroch and Mikey – fresh from producing the flowers for Jason Wu’s latest fashion show – flew into town to sign copies of their Flower Colour Guide at John Sandoe Books’ pop-up store inside the show, and take in a few of the displays. Missed their appearance? Don’t fret. The signed copies should still be on sale until the show is over, on Saturday.

And if you can’t make it along there, maybe you can catch the Putnams in Paris. Mikey and Darroch will be signing copies of their French edition, Guide des Fleurs par Couleurs at the renowned porcelain boutique, Astier de Villatte, at 173 Rue Saint-Honoré, tomorrow, Thursday 23 May, at 6:30PM. RSVP at rsvp@astierdevillatte.com , or buy a copy of the book right now, here. 

Flower Colour Guide
Flower Colour Guide