You can now turn your voice into a typeface!
So what does your voice 'look' like? Find out on a site closing the gap between written and spoken word
What would your voice look like as a typeface? Haughty Times New Roman, stylish Helvetica, or dorky Comic Sans? A new site TypeVoice, lets you find out, by closing the gap between the written and spoken word.

The site, developed by the OglivyOne agency in New York, lets users generate single words or an entire alphabet of characters by simply speaking into their computers. The software responds to a speaker’s intonation, stretching and changing letterforms to mimic a user’s voice.

There are a handful of different typefaces to play around with, and the results can be exported from the site.

Try it out here, and for greater insight into the development of graphic design, from the Gutenberg press up to the present day, order a copy of The Phaidon Archive of Graphic Design here and for more fun-based graphics with serious intent check out A Smile In The Mind.