The Shiro Kuramata book in its slipcase

Shiro Kuramata, Art & Place and Biennials and Beyond among NY Times' gift recommendations

As big fans of the you can imagine we're happy to see that the site has picked four of our fall titles for its seasonal gift recommendations

Among them are: Art & Queer Culture about which the Times' writer Holland Cotter says: “The subject of queer culture is deeply complex, ever more so as a radical past meets the double-edged sword of mainstream acceptance in the present. This book grapples with that complexity, looks good and – this is still too rare – is global in scope.” Cotter also thinks that our Biennials and Beyond is “useful as a reference source and pleasurable as a time machine," a view that we cannot help but share.

Art & Place meanwhile constitutes “An art pilgrim’s bucket list” for writer Karen Rosenberg, while our beautiful Shiro Kuramata book is “long-overdue” according to Eve Kahn. 

We thank the Times and its writers for their astute observations as to the suitability of our beautiful books as gifts and would point our loyal readers to look out for our seasonal gifting book selections which will be up on the site from next week. Until then, take a look at the books above and more in our online store.